What is MOFA Attestation?

Ministry of foreign affairs attestation is also termed as MOFA attestation. The ministry of foreign affairs is a government body that deals with the foreign affairs of a country and this executive body is responsible for one of the significant step of certificate attestation. MOFA attestation for any country is essential to get a resident visa, Higher education and wroth permit . For any MOFA attestation the first procedure of original document authentication should be done by the respective authority.

The documents which are essential to obtain a MOFA attestation include
·         Original certificate
·          Passport port copy

In the initial stage all the documents should be attested and proved real from where the documents are issued. The issue place of different documents can depend on the nature of the documents issued.
This attestation is the last and the final procedure in certificate attestation and this method is done after the main procedures. First the documents should be attested by the respective authority after which it undergoes MOFA attestation. For instance if you have to move from India to a foreign country the last and final process of MOFA Attestation is necessary, without this process getting a resident visa is impossible. MOFA attestation is required for individuals to get family visa.
Once you have completed all the attestation process from your concerned country then you need to approach the MOFA .The foreign relations and dealing of any country is controlled by the MOFA .The ministry is controlled by a secretary who appointed by the government .This authority is responsible for granting attestation to migrants who are willing to move overseas.. This process will prove how much authentic and real your certificate is before a foreign country. The MOFA attestation is commonly used for:

·         Higher Education
·         Residence Visa
·         Migrate to another country etc.
If any country finds that the certificates are duplicate and not original they will not give approval and the person will not get his certificates attested. Also the ministry will take action against the person who has provided with a duplicate certificate. It has become a strict procedure that for every person to travel overseas MOFA attestation is necessary. For any MOFA attestation to take place the documents should be pre authenticated. This will prove the person is carrying an original document and makes it easy to make any international dealing.


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